229 Object pronouns: me, him, her

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora object pronouns (pronombres objetos). En la clase pasada vimos Everybody (todos). Everyone (todos). Nobody (nadie). No one ...

230 Object pronouns: us, them, it

今天我们将继续学习Objective pronouns(人称代词宾格)。You的宾格为you,We的宾格为us,They的宾格为them。请参看以下例句:I love you.(我爱你)I like you.(我喜欢你)I love it.(我爱它)Come with us.(和我们一起来)We are going to eat. Come eat with us. (我们要去吃东西了,和我们一块儿吃吧)Join us. (加入我们)Come see us.(来看我们)Come visit us.(来拜访我们)I ...

231 Object pronouns in context

今天我们将复习之前几课所学的内容,请先听一封信件,然后回答一些问题。信件如下:Guess what?(你猜怎么着)I have a new job in a café.(我在咖啡厅找到了一份新工作)They play some great music here.(他们有很好的音乐)It’s a great job for me.(对我而言这是一份很好的工作)I really like it.(我非常喜欢它)They play music by ...

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